Monday, February 5, 2007

I would just like to start by saying, i am so sorry for being such a crap blogger and not keeping you guys up to date. It's just the last week or so has been a jumble of working and trying to keep C.I.B interested, you know texting him in my lunch breaks and so on.
Well, I kind of feel that all that texting has been abit of a waste, which I will explain about in a minute. I just want to let you all to know that we are not being chucked out of our apartment! yes yes yes! We all worked as much as possible, cut down on buying stuff and borrowed here and there. We are on our way out of debt.
So, back to C.I.B. Me and him went on a date last night, and at the beginning it felt so good to see him again. We went to another thing at barflyand the music was abit shit but he is gorgeous and it all seemed to be going fine. But at roughly 11 o'clock he got a text and after that he started acting kind of shifty and jumpy. Like, I asked him what he' been doing yesterday (just to, you know, make conversation) and he answered me so quickly, without looking at me once. I can tell that there's something he's not telling me. Of course, like any girl would be, i'm worried he might be cheating on me, but i'm not saying that's definately it. Still i've been messed around by guys so much that I wouldn't be suprised if he was seeing someone else.

Oh god, what am I going to do?


a said...

you know how guys get, he's probably just realised that he missed a football match or something. I swear boys can be more moody than girls!

molly said...

im very glad youre not getting evicted!

hmm, CIB is acting a bit shifty...but see if next time you hang out hes still like that. then you should be worried. just once, and he was probably just happens!

Emily said...

yeh see if he is like that next time and if he is ask him straight out whats wrong x

Anonymous said...

tricky situation. I would definitely keep my guard up, let him do some talking. Boys sure can be pissy little pricks sometimes....

thankfully, there's always Ben & Jerry :]

alluretone said...

c.i.b's act sounds abit fishy. wait it out and if he's still acting like that, then i'd just ask him if something was wrong.

so glad youre not getting evicted!

Snookums said...

Women's intuition much?