Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Sorry I haven't been posting for a bit, you might have heard that we (Pops, eve and I) are under threat of being evicted due to lack of money.
So, I decided to take another job... At McDonalds. I'm doing the night shift there, from 11pm to 3am, so now when I get back from day job (urban outfitters) at 6pm, I have some dinner (frozen peas and whatever's in fridge usually does the trick) and then go straight to bed, wake up at 10:30, run off to mcd's (hair net et al) and when I get back, do some serious facial treatment (you don't know how much the grease can wreak havoc on your skin) and go straight back to bed and wake up at 7:30.
This leaves me absolutely no time for dates with CIB, but I've 'got a cold coming on' so when I'm not at U.O (urban outfitters) then I'll be with CIB, snuggled up on the couch watching movies with Phish Food. I've yet to show him my phish food eating talents, though.
Pops is taking a cleaning job at Shelly's (where she works in the day, so she gets fabulous discounts on shoes, such as these red patent ones I'm wearing now) to help pay for the rent, and Eve can't really do anything more, she works in the Apple Market in Be never too busy to be beautiful and she's up there non-stop doing whatever the senior people want with her.
all in all, we haven't seen eachother in forever and we've planned a big girls night in this Saturday (I know! it's so far away!) and we're stocking up on-
*cosmopolitan mags
*ice cream
*nail polish, face packs, makeup etc
*chick flicks- the notebook, legally blonde, you know the drill
* jim-jams (supplied by me, the wonderful urban outfitters discount girl)
and of course hair products, who could forget that. Pops' mum owns a hair salon so Pops learned how to do hair really well, we get free cuts from her (see, we're very thrifty, I don't know why we don't have enough money for this whole rent thing) and she can style it all pretty, so she'll be doing that, Eve will be doing makeup and I will be doing drinks. I make the best Ice Cream milkshakes.
Sigh, saturday is so far away, and I haven't seen CIB in FORVER. who knows, maybe he's snogging some fit indie girl as I type. let's not think about that.


Emily said...

poor you madonalds! oh well at least u can pay the rent do u get free burgers from macdonalds? x

molly said...

wow your schedule sounds completely hectic, i really hope you guys get the rent.
your girls night sounds excellent have a great time.

yess he was named by PETA sexiest vegetarian of the year. i AGREE

indigomast said...

aww that sucks!! you work too hard!! hope girls night is fun and relaxing for you tho!! and you get to CIB soon! lol

maya said...

that girls night sounds like such a good idea.
i hope you find the money alright, keep us updated.

Anonymous said...

hey i really like your blog, if you want to link blogs email me at lamadrama@gmail.com!! thank you =)

Snookums said...

I'd be sneaking fries and burgers and such.

"Supersize me" has nothing on "super-discount me".